Terms & Conditions

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While using the Online ERP Portal, you (the user) are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions listed below. The Uma Devi Academy Gola Mandi reserves the right to add, delete, alter or modify these terms and conditions carefully at any point of time. The User is therefore advised to read these terms and conditions every time he/she uses the School Online ERP Portal of School. All products/services and information displayed on School Online ERP Portal constitute an “invitation to offer”. Your order for purchase constitutes your “offer” which shall be subject to the terms and conditions given below

This is an important document and it explains the terms and conditions you are agreeing to when you use the Payment gateway. To the fullest extent permitted at law, the School is providing this website, its contents and its online payment facility on an “as is” basis and makes no (and expressly disclaims all) representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to this Website or the information, content, events, products or services included in this site including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In addition, School does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this website is accurate, complete or current. In no circumstances, to the fullest extent permitted at law, shall School nor or any of its office bearers or employees be liable for any loss, additional costs or damage howsoever arising suffered as a result of any use of this website or the information, content, events or products included in the site. We may change these terms from time to time without notice. Changes will apply to any subsequent transactions with School.

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