Chairperson’s Message

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When people talk of colossal infrastructural establishments, pampering facilities and no exposure to natural habitat at all, it suggests that we are treading towards wrong path. We, at Uma Devi Children’s Academy believe in providing best education which covers sports facilities as well. The school has developed sports facilities, organizes some selected sports events and encourages the students to participate in different sports events and our students bring laurels to the school on a continuous basis. Moreover, the school has formed association with several experts and organizations in the field of sports and has clear intention of providing enough exposure to the students so that they may excel not only in academics but also in sports as it is quintessential for physical and mental well-being and strengthens the notion of working as a team during all the times.

Happy Excelling!


Anil Kumar Gupta


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.