Principal’s Message

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The school has always emphasized on three key aspects which are quintessential to create conducive environment where constructive learning may take place. First of all, flexibility towards changing practices and acceptance towards the emerging ones, secondly, bringing best people in the team who are dedicated to the real objectives of education and nurturing them further and lastly on providing child-friendly amenities yet keeping strong touch with the Nature in mind.

We do follow traditional teaching practices but with a difference. Our teachers are free to experiment new ways and means to evolve better teaching practices. Secondly, we ensure that every teacher shall get adequate training, resource material and motivation in order to perform better and more efficiently. Every year, we adopt new approach towards imparting knowledge which keeps the freshness and creativity intact and encourage the students to learn in a natural manner.

Our association with different progressive professionals and organizations has provided us enough and desired direction and their active involvement has brought desirable level of confidence and exposure to the students.

We as a family comprising of our dedicated mentors and disciples are faring well but are not complacent and have all the desires to achieve more and better.

Wish all of you Luck!

Pushpa Gupta 

Principal  M.A, B.Ed.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.