Managing Committee

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Uma Devi Children’s Academy has an effective team working tirelessly and putting forward the best efforts to ensure the overall development of each student. What is the best bit about the team is the fact that each member of the top management is fully engrossed in the efficient and smooth working of the school sans fidgeting with the creative space of the teachers. The members of the top management play myriad roles namely bringing novel and creative concepts for the betterment of teachers and students of the school, organize trainings of various kinds, facilitate sessions by experts from different walks of life and attempt to bring best learning practices on board. Further, each member in brigade of teachers is selected on the bases of their creativity, freshness in ideas, equal passion towards teaching and learning and experimentation respectively. The school team prides in its dedicated and capable team who work incessantly towards stretching their boundaries further.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.