Teaching Methodology

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The teaching methodology that is followed by the team at the school is based on the principle of GOLF. You may misunderstand it with the game of elite but it is partly true as only few educational establishments truly and religiously follow it and Uma Devi Children’s Academy aptly fits into the league.

The abbreviation, GOLF stands for:


Glocal which in our context implies global experience and exposure to everyone associated but keeping the traditional values and culture intact.


Original- The ideas and concepts shall be original and fresh and the school offers every opportunity to the teachers and mentors to bring in fresh notions in place.


Likeable- Any bit which is not appealing and arresting enough for the students may not do wonders no matter how important it may sound to be. The team at the school attempt to make every bit of learning highly fascinating so that students shall develop habit of learning and turn into inquisitive beings.


Flexible- Calling spade a spade is fine but holding it in different positions has no restrictions. The earth will remain round in shape and so will be many hardcore facts but flexibility to adopt new methods to relay them to the learners to make them learn faster and in a perennial fashion.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.