The school has dedicated sports facilities and in order to provide better sports infrastructure, the school is building running track, dedicated courts for badminton, basketball and volleyball well-supervised by trained coaches. Further, the school promotes martial arts and several indoor games where chess tops the chart. The students participate in different sports-related events and gather much adulation and recognition.
Recreational Activities
The school focuses on and works towards co-curricular activities on a continuous basis. The school has collaboration with some selected NGOs in order to promote the concept of philanthropy amongst the students. Further, the school has several active Co-Scholastic Clubs namely English Club, Dance Club, Music Club, Theatrics, Math Club, Environment Club, Social Awareness Club and several others. In order to provide better exposure and experience to the students, the school organizes several intra and inter-school competitions and facilitates several workshops conducted by experts in different fields who have made a mark in both national and international arena.
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.